Thursday, October 31, 2019

Changing role of computer assisted langauge learning (CALL) Essay

Changing role of computer assisted langauge learning (CALL) - Essay Example Given that scores of tutors and apprentices are already on the social media, the acquaintance with these sites makes it a comfortable avenue on which they can freely communicate and express their views. The SMs are social sites, which enhance socialisation, encourage creativity, as well as sharing of information. Consequently, these sites can be used to boost exchange of ideas and cooperation within the teachers and students body (Josteen, 2012). Page 4 According to Josteen (2012), the popularity of social media is another reason for choosing it as an educative media. The use of various social networks among students proves that a majority of them access SM from desktops or the use of mobile phones. Facebook ranks first in popularity among the other tools for social networking; it has more than eight hundred million subscribers. Linked In and Twitter have fewer users, at around 100 million and 500 million users, respectively. This implies that they are quickly closing in on the gap o pened by Facebook. The increasing trend indicating the popularity in use of technology and social media in both current and incoming students have revealed to educators that social media serves the function of academically reaching out to a large number of students hence fostering apprentices results in the classroom. Therefore, the use of SM facilitates sharing of information thus drawing people with similar educational and technological interests to unite. Page 8 Josteen (2012) asserts that such SM tools as Facebook, twitter, YouTube and Linked In are web 2.0 appliances amplify the creation and exchange of user-generated content. In their elucidation of SM’s relation to Web 2.0, Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) postulate that SM is an Internet-based appliances’ group, which builds upon Web 2.0 ideological and scientific nitty-gritty, and facilitates the generation and sharing of user-generated substance. In SM, user-generated content implies the generated and exchanged dig ital images, text, video, as well as video. Moreover, SM entails a range of web-based appliances, which foster communication (Facebook, Twitter, and blogs), multimedia exchage (YouTube and Flicker), as well as collaboration (social bookmarking and wikis). Page 15 SM allows people to create networks throughout the world and augment relationships by swapping private and expert information. Josteen (2012) indicates that many instructors acknowledge SM’s popularity thereby raising their curiosity in incorporating its usage into the contemporary classroom. Moreover, SM can have a favorable effect on learning professionals via the expansion of a system of contemporaries, community building, as well as membership engagement. By building an enhanced understanding via expert development, instructors can better recognise the best means of implementing SM in order to realise their pedagogical objectives. SM presents a professional advancement opportunity without requiring an individual to leave his/her workstation. In addition, it offers instructors a channel of collecting resources, including research material and publications, for learning novel strategies via blog posts and videos in order to get news and updates affecting their areas of profession. SM saves instructors time and resources in achieving professional requirements while offering skills and experience in utilising SM to boost their teaching. Therefore, instructors should make

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Exploiting Dynamic Querying like Flooding Techniques in Unstructured Essay

Exploiting Dynamic Querying like Flooding Techniques in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks Review - Essay Example ses the potential solution (algorithm) for making dynamic querying like flooding technique useful for the general unstructured peer-to-peer networks. Comments: Researcher for evaluating KaZaA, BitTorrent and other unstructured network topology can use the material for checking and implementing the enhanced algorithm method and evaluation produced in this paper. (2) ã‚ ¤Ã£Æ' ³Ã£Æ'ˆãÆ' ­Ã£Æ'€ã‚ ¯Ã£â€š ·Ã£Æ' §Ã£Æ' ³Ã£  ¯Ã£â‚¬ Ã§  â€Ã§ © ¶Ã£  ®Ã¨Æ'Å'æ™ ¯Ã£â€šâ€žÃ¥â€¹â€¢Ã¦ ©Å¸Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£â‚¬ Ã£ â€œÃ£  ®Ã¥Ë†â€ Ã©â€¡Å½Ã£  ®Ã£â€š ¹Ã£Æ'šã‚ ·Ã£Æ' £Ã£Æ' ªÃ£â€š ¹Ã£Æ'ˆã  §Ã£  ªÃ£ â€žÃ¤ º ºÃ£  «Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£â€š Ã£ â€¹Ã£â€šâ€¹Ã¨ ¨â‚¬Ã¨â€˜â€°Ã£  §Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã§ ¢ ºÃ£  «Ã¨ ¿ °Ã£  ¹Ã£  ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€¹Ã£ â€¹(Does the introduction clearly state the background and motivation in terms understandable to the non-specialist?) Comments: The introduction is very simple, clear, and understandable to the non-specialist. It provides the background and motivation for discussing an enhanced algorithm for peer-to-peer network for searching. (5) 㠁“㠁 ®Ã¨ «â€"æâ€"‡ã  ®Ã¥Ë†â€ Ã©â€¡Å½Ã£  ®Ã£â€š ¹Ã£Æ'šã‚ ·Ã£Æ' £Ã£Æ' ªÃ£â€š ¹Ã£Æ'ˆã  §Ã£  ªÃ£ â€žÃ¦Å â‚¬Ã¨ ¡â€œÃ¨â‚¬â€¦Ã£  «Ã£  ¨Ã£  £Ã£  ¦Ã£ â€œÃ£  ®Ã¨ «â€"æâ€"‡ã  ¯Ã£  ©Ã£  ®Ã£  Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£ â€žÃ¨ ª ­Ã£  ¿Ã£â€šâ€žÃ£ â„¢Ã£ â€žÃ£ â€¹(How readable is the paper for an engineer who is not a specialist inthis particular field?) Comments: The paper for an engineer who is not a specialist in this particular field is readable. However, if researchers have included ceratin keywords, the definitions of certain concepts, terms, and symbols than it would be an excellent paper. This paper discusses the dynamic querying like technique that is adopted by the Gnutella like peer-to-peer network. In this technique, the source peer first sends query packets towards a few neighbors with a small TTL value to have an initial estimate of the popularity of the searched item. This process is iterative and in each iteration; the source peer estimates the number of peers to be contacted for desired number of result, calculation of TTL for query for sending to the next neighbor and finally propagating query to the next neighbor. Once the desired number of result found the iterative process stops. However, in this technique, the latency can be

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Structure And Functions Of The Skeletal System

Structure And Functions Of The Skeletal System HUMAN SKELETON is the internal structure that holds the human body up and with the help of the muscular system allows us to move, also works to protect the delicate and vital organs found inside it from being damaged. At birth the human skeleton is made up of 275 different bones and as the body matures some of these bones start to fuse together leaving only 206 bones in an adult human. A skeleton has got five different job roles which are: Blood production. Movement Shape Protection DIAGRAM: BACK FRONT (@Google) There are two major systems of bones in the human body which are Axial Appendicular skeleton. AXIAL SKELETON it is essentially suited for protection. It forms the main axis/core of a human skeletal system. It consists of: Cranium protects the brain. Made up of hard sheets of bones with fixed joints. Sort of a ball shape at the back. It is comprised of eight cranial and fourteen facial bones. The cranial bones make up the protective frame of bone around the brain. The facial bones make up the shape of a human face. DIAGRAM: (@Google) Thorax takes part in both protecting the heart and lungs, and also helps in shape of the body. Made up of a sternum and 12 pairs of ribs. Forms a concave shape. Ribs are flat bones that are close together and make a concave shape that goes around the internal organs that are vital such as heart and lungs. DIAGRAM: fully labeled on next page. (@Google) Vertebral column (spine or backbone) consists of a series of 33 irregularly shaped bones that are called vertebrae. Extends from the base of the cranium to the pelvis, providing a central axis for the body Accounts for around 40% of a human overall weight. The vertebrae of a human spine are held together strongly by powerful ligaments that allow little movement between your adjacent vertebrae but afford a considerable degree flexibility along the spine as a whole. Its main job role is to protect the spinal cord even though it also helps by supporting the ribcage by maintaining the balance between it and the abdominal cavity. The bones of a vertebral column have got cartilage joints. It is divided into parts which are: Cervical vertebrae (seven) these are the vertebrae in the neck. The first two are known as the atlas (C1) and the axis (C2). These two form a pivot joint that allows the head and neck to move freely. It is the smallest and most vulnerable vertebrae of the vertebrae column but it is the most important because it sends signal to the thoracic from the head. Thoracic vertebrae (twelve) these are the vertebrae of the mid spine, which articulate with the ribs and are also found in the thorax. The thoracic vertebrae are larger than the cervical ad increase in size from top to bottom. Lumbar vertebrae (five focused) these are situated at the lower back and are the largest of the movable vertebrae. They are required to support more weight than other vertebrae and provide attachment for many of the muscles of the back. The discs that lie between these vertebrae produce a concave curve in the back. Sacral vertebrae (five) these are fused to form the sacrum. This is a triangular bone located below the lumbar and it forms the back wall of the pelvic griddle sitting between the two hip bones. Coccygeal vertebrae (four focused) this is the last part of the vertebral column which has got four fused bones that form a coccyx or a tail bone. DIAGRAM: (@Google) APPENDICULAR SKELETON it is for movement/leverage, shape, and blood production. It can also sometimes take part in protection Consists of 126 bones makes body movement possible and protects the organs of digestion, excretion, and reproduction. The word appendicular means referring to an appendage or anything attached to a major part of the body, such as the upper and lower extremities. The appendicular skeleton is the part of the skeleton that includes the pectoral girdle, the upper limbs, the pelvic girdle, and the lower limbs. The appendicular skeleton and the axial skeleton together form the complete skeleton Pectoral griddle consists of two shoulder blades (scapulae) and two collar bones (clavicles). These bones articulate with one another, allowing some degree of movement. Shoulder blades (scapulae) is a flat triangular bone which stretches from the shoulder to the vertebral column at the back. On the back side it has a bony ridge for the attachment of the muscles. The bony ridge forms a major projection, the acromion, above the shoulder joint. Beneath the collar bone and just on the inside of the shoulder joint, is another bony projection of the shoulder blade, the coracoid process, which also serves for the attachment of muscles. The upper outer corner of the shoulder blade ends in the glenoid cavity into which fit the head of upper arm bone forming a ball and socket joint. collar bones (clavicle) has got a rod-shaped and forms a roughly S-shape It lies horizontally and articulates with the upper end of the breastbone, right in the middle and front, just above the first rib The lateral end articulates with the acromium. Collar bones serve as a support for the shoulder blades in front and keep the shoulder blades back so that the arms can hang freely at the sides of the body. They prevent the pectoral girdles from getting out of joint easily and sufficient movement of the shoulders. (@Google) Pelvic girdle is composed of two coxal (hip) bones that are located at the base of the spine. It is also known as the hip girdle. It is the bony structures to which the last limbs of a vertebrate are attached to. 1. Ilium is the upper part of the bony pelvic which is also the largest. It has a prominent ridge running along its upper surface called the iliac crest. (@biology) 2. Iliac crest is for the attachment of body wall muscles. 3. Symphysis pubis is the midline cartilaginous joint uniting the left and right pubic bones. Upper limb can be divided into five main regions which are: The Upper Arm (Humerus) is a single bone. The upper end consists of a hemi-spherical ball which fits into the socket of the shoulder blade to form the shoulder joint. The lower end of the humerus forms a shallow ball and socket joint with the radius and a hinge joint with the ulna in the elbow. Forearm (Radius Ulna) the ulna is the larger of two bones situated in the inner side of the forearm. The upper end of the ulna articulates with the lower end of the humerus forming a strong hinge joint in the elbow region. The lower end of the ulna is slender and plays a minor role in the formation of the wrist joint. The radius is situated on the thumb side of the forearm and its upper end articulate with both the humerus and the ulna. The broad, lower end of the radius forms a major part of the wrist joint, where it articulates with the wrist bones (carpals). The radius also allows the forearm to be rotated. The radio-ulnar joints are pivot joints in which the moving bone is the radius. As the head of the radius pivots at these joints, the lower end of the radius moves round the lower head of the ulna. The Wrist The wrist consists of eight carpal bones. These are small, short bones that are arranged in two rows of four. They have articulating facets which allow them to slide over one another. The Palm of the Hand The palm is supported by five long metacarpals. The metacarpals articulate with carpals at one end and with the phalanges at the other end. The Fingers The fingers are made up of fourteen phalanges. There are three phalanges in each finger but only two in the thumb. Task 1b The bones in the skeleton are classified according to their shape and size. They are divided into different categories such as: Long bones they are found in the limbs. These have a shaft known as the diaphysis and they consist of two rounded ends known as the epiphysis. They act as levers. Short bones these are small, light, strong and cube-shaped bones. They are like sweet with a hard shell and a soft centre. Flat bones these are thin, flattened and slightly curved. They have a large surface area. Sesamoid bones these are bones found in the tendons, such as the patella in the knee. Irregular bones these are bones with complex shapes and cannot be classified under any of the other categories. Cranium The cranium is a box-like cavity that consists of interlinking segments of bone that gradually fuse together during first few years of life. It contains and protects the brain. Clavicle They are long and slim bones. They provide a strong and mobile attachment for the arms and are designated for the performance of complex movements. Ribs The ribs are long, thin, curved, flat bones. They form a protective cage around the organs in the upper body. Sternum This is a long and flat bone that lies at the centre of the chest. It is commonly referred to as the breast bone and it divided into three sections: the top, the mid and the lower section. It forms the rib cage that protects the heart, lungs and major blood vessels. Humerous The humerous is the largest bone in the upper limbs. Its a long bone and its head joins with the scapula to make the shoulder joint. The end of this bone joins with radius and ulna to make the elbow joint. Radius and ulna The ulna and radius articulate distally with the wrist. The radius contributes more to the movement of the wrist than the ulna and is also the longer bone. The convex shape of the radius allows it to move around the ulna to make the hand turn. Scapula The scapulae are large, triangular, flat bones that form the posterior part of the shoulder girdle. It serves as an attachment for several muscles. Movements of the scapula are brought about by scapular muscles. Ilium The Ilium is the wide flat upper portion of the pelvis that is connected to the base of the vertebral column. It supports the lower abdominal organs. The ilium is the largest part of the innominate bone. Pubis The pubis is also known as the pubic bone. It makes the lowest part of the innominate bone. Ischium The Ischium is located below the ilium and makes the middle of the innominate bone. Carpals These are the bones that make up the wrist. They are made of regular and small bones which are fit closely together and kept on place by ligaments. Metacarpals On the palm of the hand metacarpals are padded by a thick layer of fibrous, connective tissue on the back of the hand and they can be seen and felt through the skin. The heads of the metacarpal bones form the knuckles. Metacarpals join the carpals with the phalanges and help support movement of the fingers. Phalanges These are small bones that make up the skeleton of the thumbs, fingers and toes. The phalanges at the top of the fingers are and toes are called distal phalanges, the ones that join the bones of the hands and feet are known as the proximal phalanges. Patella The patella (knee cap) is the triangular shaped bone in front of knee joint. It protects the knee joint. Tibia and fibula The tibia is the inner and thicker of the two long bones in the lower leg. It is also called the shin bone and is the supporting bone of the lower leg. The fibula is the outer and thinner bone of the lower leg. The fibula provides attachment for the muscles. Tarsals These are short and irregular bones. They help to support the weight of the body and provide attachment for the calves. Metatarsals The metatarsal is one of the five long, cylindrical bones in the forefoot the forefoot is responsible for supporting body weight and balance pressure through the balls of the feet. Femur This is the longest bone in the body. The top of it fits into the sockets of the pelvis to make the hip joint, and the lower ends joins with the tibia to make the knee joint. The femur supports the weight of the upper body and enables movement of the legs. JOINTS Joints provide the link between bones. A joint is formed wherever two or more bones meet. There are three types of joint, each classified according to the degree of movement they allow. Fixed A fixed joint occurs where the margins of two bones meet and interlock. Bands of tough, fibrous tissue hold the bones together. They are also known as fibrous or immovable joints. An example of a fixed joint is between the plates in the cranium. Slightly movable These allow some slight movement as the name suggests. The ends of bone are covered in hyaline cartilage which is separated by pads of white fibro cartilage. Slight movement is made possible because the pads of cartilage compress. Between most of vertebrae is an example of this type of joint. Synovial They offer the highest level of mobility at a joint and they consist of two or more bones, the ends of which are covered with articular cartilage, which allows the bones to move over each other with minimum friction. Synovial fluid lubricates and nourishes the joint. The joint capsule is held together by ligaments. This provides the strength to avoid dislocation, while being flexible enough to allow movement. Synovial joints can be divided into groups according to the type of movement they allow. Hinge These allow movement in one direction only. Elbow and knee are typical examples of hinge joints. The types of movement allowed are flexion and extension. Ball and socket It allows movement in all directions. The types movement allowed are flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumductiom, rotation, pronation, supination, dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion, evasion and hyper extension. Examples include the hip and shoulder joints. Ellipsoid These are a modified version of ball and socket. Movement is backward and forwards and from side to side. They are also known as condyloid joints and the wrist joint is an example. Ellipsoid joints allow circumductiom, inversion and eversion. Gliding These allow movement over a flat surface in all directions, but this is restricted by ligaments or bony prominence, for example carpals and tarsal. Gliding joints allow inversion, dorsiflexion, plantar flexion and eversion. Pivot These allow rotation only about a single axis. An example is in the neck, where the atlas and axis join. Saddle These are similar to ellipsoid joints but the surfaces are concave and convex. Movement occurs backwards and forward and from side to side, as at the base thumb. SKELETAL RESPONSE TO EXERCISE Synovial Fluid movement at joints stimulates the secretion of Synovial fluid. Becomes less thick range of movement at joints increases. Mineral Content increased by physical activity on bones e.g. increase of calcium collagen to keep up with the demand pressed on your bones. Cartilage- becomes thicker becoming better at shock absorption, with regular exercise it also connects the ribs to the sternum. Tendons they become thicker and are able to withstand greater forces applied when we take part in a physical activity. Ligaments these will stretch causing an increase in flexibility so that the person taking part in the physical activity is able to twist and turn without getting any injuries. (it helps increase agility) Bones becomes stronger denser as a result of the demands you place on them through physical activity exercise. So it becomes hard for the bones taking part in an activity to break compared to that of a person who is not taking part in any activity. MUSCLES The main function of the muscles is to move the bones of the skeleton. There are three different types of muscle tissue which are: Cardiac Is an involuntary muscle that forms the wall of the heart and works continuously. It is highly resistant to fatigue. Each contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle as a whole represents one heart beat. Skeletal It is also known as striped or striated muscle. They are attached to the bones of the skeleton by tendons and they usually work in pairs. These muscles are voluntary i.e. works under conscious control. Smooth It is an involuntary muscle that functions under the control of the nervous system. it is located in the walls of the digestive system and blood vessels and helps to regulate digestion and blood pressure. All skeletal muscles contain a mixture of fast and slow twitch fibres. Type 1 muscle fibres slow-twitch This type of muscles contract slowly with less force. They are slow to fatigue and suited to long duration aerobic activities. They are recruited for low intensity activities likes long-distance running. Type 2a muscle fibres fast-oxidative They contract very quickly, are able to produce a great force as well as resistant to fatigue. These muscle types are suited for middle-distance evens like 800m and 1500m running. Type 2b fast-glycoltic This type of muscle fibre contracts rapidly and can produce large amounts of force; they are better suited to activities that require sudden bursts of power such as high jump. They also tire easily. MAJOR MUSCLES Origin muscles origin is attached to the immovable bone. Insertion muscles insertion is attached to the movable bone. BICEP Function flexes the lowers arm. Location inside of arm. Movement the origin is the scapula, which is movable, and the radius is the insertion that moves with contraction. Sporting/exercise when taking a jump shot in basketball the insertion moves back as the biceps contracts to pull the arm. Agonist when making the shot. Concentric contraction. TRICEP Function extends the lower arm. Location outside of upper arm. Structure Movement Sporting/exercise when Agonist when lowering then arm. Antagonist when working against biceps. DELTOIDS Functions abducts, flexes and extends upper arm. Location forms cap of shoulder. Origin clavicle, scapula and acromion. Insertion humerus. Sport/exercise forward, later and back-arm raises, overhead. PECTORALS Functions flexes and abducts upper arm. Location large chest muscle. Origin sternum, clavicle and ribcage. Insertion humerus. Sports/exercise all pressing movements. RECTUS ABDOMINIS Functions flexion and rotation of lumbar region of vertebral column. Location six pack muscle running down abdomen. Origin pubic crest and symphysis Insertion Xiphoid process. Sports/exercise sit-ups. QUADRICEPS Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius Functions extends lower leg and flexes thigh. Location front of thigh. Origin Ilium and femur Insertion tibia and fibula Sports/exercise knee bends, squats HAMSTRINGS Semimembranosus Semitendinosus Biceps femoris Functions flexes lower leg and extends thigh. Location back of thigh. Origin ischium and femur. Insertion tibia and fibula. Sports/exercise e.g. running (extending leg and flexing knee) GASTROCNEMIUS Function plantar flexion flexes knee. Location large calf muscle. Origin femur Insertion calcaneus. Sports/exercise running, jumping and standing on tiptoe. SOLEUS Function plantar flexion. Location deep to gastrocnemius. Origin fibula and tibia. Insertion calcaneus. Sports/exercise running and jumping. TIBIALIS ANTERIOR Functions dorsiflexion of foot. Location front of tibia on lower leg. Origin lateral condyle. Insertion by tendon to surface of medial cuneiform. Sports/exercise all running and jumping exercise. ERECTOR SPINAE Function extension of spine. Location long muscle running either side of spine. Origin cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Insertion cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Sporting/exercise prime mover of back extension. TERES MAJOR Function rotates and abducts the humerus. Location it is found between the scapula and humerus. Origin posterior surface of the scapula. Insertion intertubercular sulcus of humerus. Sporting/exercise all rowing and pulling movements. TRAPEZIUS Function elevates and depresses scapula. Location large triangular muscle at top of back. Origin continues insertion along acromion. Insertion occipital bone and all thoracic vertebrae. Sporting/exercise shrugging and overhead lifting. LATISSIMUS DORSI Functions extends and abducts the lower arm. Location large muscle covering back of lower ribs. origin vertebrae and iliac crest Insertion humerus. sporting/exercise rowing movements OBLIQUES Function lateral flexion of trunk. Location found on the waist. origin pubic crest and iliac crest insertion -fleshly strips to lower eight ribs Sporting/exercise oblique curls. GLUTEUS MAXIMUS Function -0 extends the thigh. Location large muscle on the buttocks. Origin ilium, sacrum and coccyx. insertion femur Sporting/exercise knee-bending movements, cycling. RESPONSE TO EXERCISE Short-term responses these are the responses that happens immediately and do not continue to be like that after the physical activity. An increase in muscular temperature and metabolic activity. Muscles become more pliable which increases their flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries. Long-term responses this is sort of an outcome that is achieved after a long time of training Muscle bulk and size will increase. Tendons become thicker and stronger. Articular cartilage becomes thicker. There is an increase in muscle tone and possibly reduction in body fat. Cardiovascular System Structure The cardiovascular system consists of heart, blood vessels and blood. It is also referred to as the circulatory system. This system is the major transport system in the body by which food, oxygen and all other essential products are carried to the tissue cells. The heart is the centre of the cardiovascular system. It is a muscular pump which pumps blood to the working muscles. It is situated in the left side of the chest beneath the sternum. An adult heart is about the size of a closed fist. The heart wall is made up of three layers: the epicardium (the outer layer), myocardium (the strong middle layer that forms most of the heart wall), and the endocardium (the inner layer). The septum separates the right and left side of the heart. Each side has two chambers which function separately from one another. The atria are the upper chambers of the heart. They receive blood returning to the heart from either the body or the lungs. The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the superior and inferior vena cava. The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the left and right pulmonary veins. The ventricles are the pumping chambers of the heart. They have thicker walls than the atria. The right ventricle pumps blood to the pulmonary circulation for the lungs and the left ventricle pumps blood to the systematic circulation for the body. Valves prevent backflow of blood. The bicuspid valve allows blood to flow in one direction only, from the left atrium to the right ventricle. The tricuspid valve allows blood to flow the right atrium to the right ventricle. The pulmonary valve prevents backflow from the pulmonary artery. The aortic valve prevents backflow from the aorta into the left ventricle. Chordae tendineae are cord-like tendons that connect to the bicuspid and tricuspid valves. They prevent the valves from turning inside out. The aorta is the main artery in the body and it originates in the left ventricle and carries oxygenated blood to body tissues except the lungs. The superior vena cava receives deoxygenated blood from the upper body to empty into the right atrium of the heart. The inferior vena cava receives deoxygenated blood from the lower body to empty into right atrium of the heart. The pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart. The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from the heart back to the lungs. It is the only the artery in the body that carries deoxygenated blood. As the heart contracts, blood flows around the body in a complex network of vessels. The structure of the different vessels within the cardiovascular system is determined by their different functions and the pressure of blood exerted within in them. Arteries carry blood away from the heart and with exception of the pulmonary artery they carry oxygenated blood. They have thick muscular walls to carry blood at high speeds under high pressure. The contractility of the arteries helps to maintain blood pressure in relation to changes in blood flow. Arterioles have thinner walls than arteries. These vessels control blood distribution by changing their diameter. Capillaries form an extensive network that connects arteries and veins. They are the smallest of all blood vessels, narrow and their walls are just one cell thick. Veins facilitate venous return the return of deoxygenated blood to the heart. They branch into smaller vessels called venules, these collect blood leaving the capillarie s and transport it to the veins. CARDIO VASCULAR (CV) Functions Delivery of Oxygen and Nutrients the key function of the circulatory system is to supply oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the body. Blood carries nutrients absorbed from the intestine to the of the body, along with oxygen and water. Removal of waste products the circulatory system is responsible for the removal of waste products from the tissues to the kidneys and liver returns carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. Thermoregulation the cardiovascular system is also responsible for the distribution and redistribution of heat within the body to maintain thermal balance. CARDIO VASCULAR Responses to Exercise During exercise, the heart beats faster and harder in order to meet the demands of the energy by the working muscles. If these demands are repeated frequently, the heart eventually becomes stronger. The heart and blood vessels of the circulatory system adapt to these repeated demands. Short-term responses Anticipatory heart rate before starting exercise the heart rate usually increases above resting levels to meet the demands of an exercise. Heart rate at onset of exercise this is the heat rate as exercise begins. Redirection of blood flow at the start of exercise, nerve centres in the brain detect an activity resulting in the rate and pumping strength of heart to increase. Regional blood flow is changed in proportion to the intensity of the activity to be undertaken. Vasodilatation this is the widening of blood vessels in order to increase blood flow when it is getting pumped out in high amounts. Vasoconstriction this is the narrowing of blood vessels to reduce blood flow. Long-term Responses Cardiac hypertrophy this is when the heart increases in size and blood volume. The wall of the ventricle thickens, increasing the strength potential of its contractions delivering more oxygenated blood to the working muscle so that they do not fatigue easily. Increased stroke volume the volume of blood pumped out each beat increases. Increased cardiac output the volume of blood pumped in one minute increases as a result the of increased heart rate, stroke volume or both. Decreased resting heart rate the heart rate returns to normal after exercise quickly. This reduces the work load on the heart. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Nasal cavity this is the passage above and behind the nose. Air enters the body through the nostrils. Small hairs within the nostrils filter out dust and all sorts of foreign particles before the air passes into the two nasal passages of the nasal cavity. The air is then further warmed and moistened before it passes into the nasopharynx. A mucous layer within this structure traps smaller foreign particles, which the cilia transport to the pharynx to be either swallowed or spit out. Pharynx This is a funnel shaped that connects the nasal cavity and the mouth to the larynx and oesophagus. Commonly known as the throat, the pharynx is a small length of tubing that measures approximately 10-13cm from the base of the skull to the level of the sixth cervical vertebrae. The muscular pharynx wall is composed of skeletal muscle throughout its length. It is a passage way for food as well as air. This outlines that it has to have special adaptations to prevent choking when swallowing food or drink. Larynx it has got rigid walls made up of muscles and cartilage and it contains the vocal cords and connects the pharynx to the trachea. Trachea It is also known as windpipe and it is approximately 12cm long and 2cm in diameter in size, containing rings of cartilage to prevent it from collapsing. It travels down the neck in front of the oesophagus and branches into two bronchi. Bronchus the main aim for the bronchi is to conduct air into the lungs. The right bronchus is shorter and wider than the left. When air is inhaled and reaches the bronchi, it is warm, clear of most impurities and saturated with water vapour. Onc

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Rastafarian Religion :: essays research papers

While some will call Rastafarianism a religion, others will say that Rastafarianism is a kind of spiritual consciousness because the Rastas lack a great deal of what is central for other religions while still retaining a belief in a God. There aren't too many organised Rasta 'churches', and the closest thing you would come to a church will probably be Rasta organisations like 'The Twelve Tribes of Israel', the 'Nyabinghi Order' and especially the 'Bobo Dreads'. Rastafarianism also lacks a confession of fate, which most other religious systems will have. So the question will remain open if this is a religion or a spiritual consciousness where everyone calling him/herself a Rasta will be more or less free to believe in what they like. As already mentioned, Rastafarianism is not just a religion or spiritual consciousness, but also a way of life. This encompasses among other things food, called Ital food. Rastas are supposed to be vegetarians, while some eat fish, the Ital food consists only of vegetables and spices, not including salt, which for health reasons are not used in cooking. The food is very healthy, as health is also generally very important to Rastas. You will seldom see an unhealthy Rasta. Rastas also smoke ganja, or marijuana as it's more commonly known, but this is not something you have to do. The smoking of ganja is founded on Bible passages describing how ganja was used in ancient times by people like King Solomon, and the Rastas see it as a way to ease the way to commune with Jah. But there are even a small number of Rastas who do not smoke it on the grounds that easy ways out to reach a 'communion' with Jah should not be sought. The Rasta way of life also encompasses a social side, where the lives and rights of everyone, but especially of the poor, are taken into account. They believe that everyone deserves and has the right to freedom, and more than anything else a belief in equal rights for everyone. The question of dreadlocks or no dreadlocks is not so important, even if most Rastas will have them. Even one of today's reggae groups sing a song that's called, 'You don't haffi (have to have) dread to be Rasta' (Morgan Heritage). It's more to do with how you behave, act and what you believe in, than how you look. Even the language of the Rastas has changed the Jamaican Patois language, where many of the expressions unique to Jamaica originated in Rastafarianism, like 'I and I', meaning we.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rice Terraces in Danger Essay

With bare hands and primitive tools, traditional farmers in the highlands of the Phippines have been shaping the Banaue or Ifugao rice terraces into a grandeur feat that attracts the attention of worldwide visitors. The rice terraces with the cluster sites are dated more than 2,000 years old. These spectacular creations, however, are now in danger of crumbling down into oblivion. The Area in Danger These terraces are situated in the mountain region of the northern part of the Philippines about 340 kilometers away from Manila. From here, the high place could be reached some 8 to 9 hours by motor ride. These terraces have been hand-fashioned like great stairs that if laid straight from one point to another are capable of encircling half the earth’s diameter. For thousands of years, this magnificent human feat has intruded human imagination boosting human creativeness and ingenuity. For all the good attributes rendered to this property, the United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has listed the site as a world heritage dubbing it as the â€Å"Eight Wonder of the World. † In 1973, the Philippine government gave these heritage properties a special recognition as a national landmark of being a valuable treasure. In 1995, the UNESCO inscribed the Banaue Rice Terraces and the cluster sites in the World Heritage List. In 1994, by virtue of the Presidential Executive Order 158, it created the Ifugao Rice UNESCO Terraces Commission that gives advisory matters to the Philippine President regarding factors affecting them. Diverse Life Forms For thousands of years, the terrace has been serving as home for diverse life forms including aquatic animals, fishes, etc. , thriving in the water-filled, pollution-free paddies. The terrace is also a home for some native red rice varieties and other indigenous rices, which are also considered endangered. In recent years, however, keen observers have noted some negative changes happening within and outside the terraces. Some contributing factors that have been diverting the terraces to these negative changes include environmental degradation and neglect, the rampant use of synthetic pesticides, degrading rice yield, fast rate of urbanization, growing poverty among terrace farmers, and the fermentation of the once solid indigenous folk cultures. Some parts of the heritage property, which were once verdantly green and fertile have now turned into partly eroded brownish, drying grasslands. In 1950, a data report from Abano (2007) shows that farmers cultivated some 15,000 hectares (about 37,000 acres) of this highland terrace. Today, that figure has dwindled to merely 5,000 hectares (about 12,000 acres) maintained by some 100,000 tribal farmers. UNESCO gave warnings in 2001 the possibility of delisting the Banaue Rice Terraces from the World Heritage List. This is because little efforts have been exerted in saving the heritage property from widening irreversible damage. From a distance, desolate terraced landscapes have already shown wears while other similar areas slowly UNESCO disappear due to lack of care. Younger populations from the darkly terraced areas have instead preferred to migrate to the cities where ‘the lights are brighter’ with more income opportunities to choose from. This transmigration has resulted to erosion, not only of the physical terraces they till, but also of the culture and traditions they have been preserving for thousands of years.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Asses the Strengths and Limitations of Unstructured Interviews

Sociology Asses the strengths and limitations of unstructured interviews for the study of boys underachievement at school Unstructured interviews have advantages and disadvantages and as a qualitative method they are expressed through words and relay people’s thoughts, feelings and motivations. Unstructured interviews are interviews that don’t have certain questions meaning it’s more free and relaxed. They give us a deep understanding of the interviewees world because we can use the answers they give to shape our questions so that they are appropriate and relevant.However, using unstructured interviews can also cause problems, for example they take a long time to conduct. When looking at the advantages and disadvantages we need to look at how this effects what we are trying to research ‘boys underachievement at school’ as this will affect whether the advantages and limitations are relevant to the study. A few advantages of using unstructured intervie ws when studying the underachievement of boys are that the informality of the interview allows the interviewer to gain the trust of the interviewee which is important in this example.Boys at school will not feel comfortable explaining their time at school and why they do/don’t enjoy school if the interviewer is very formal and makes them feel intimidated whereas by using an unstructured interview it allows the boys being interviewed and the interviewee feel more comfortable around each other meaning the boys will be more open and truthful allowing the researcher to gain more and to collect more accurate and in depth data.Another advantage of using this method when researching boys underachievement at school is that because there are no set questions the interviewer can ask questions that they feel are important and will get the most valuable and informative answers which means the data collected will be more valuable. It also means that from the answers that the boys give the interviewer can change and adapt his questions to develop the answer given meaning the data collected will be in depth and very informative.Finally, an advantage of using this method when studying boys underachievement at school is that the interviewee and interviewer can check each other’s meanings. For example, if a question is asked and the boy doesn’t understand the interviewer can adapt and explain so that the boy can give a good answer. This is very good because it allows them to explain what they mean giving the other person a deeper understanding of the questions and answers meaning the interview will be more successful.However, there are also disadvantages of using unstructured interviews when researching boys underachievement at school. Unstructured interviews can take a long time to conduct which means that less can be carried out. This could cause a big problem to give a good range of answers the researcher/interviewer may want to visit different schools t o see how the answers differ in different schools and in different areas.However it would take too long to visit different places and schools because the actual interview takes too long itself. Another disadvantage is that it can go off topic meaning the interview is irrelevant. When interviewing a boy the interview could go off topic meaning that the interview would be useless as it wouldn’t give us any informative information that could you be used to draw up a conclusion.Finally, another disadvantage of using this method when researching boys underachievement at school is that they’re not reliable. As its unstructured the same interview can’t be carried out on lots of people as it will change each time depending on the answers given and how the interviewer responds to them. This means that researchers can’t replicate the interview or compare it to their own findings so there’s no way of knowing if it’s reliable or not.To conclude using un structured interviews when researching boys underachievement at school has both advantages and disadvantages that could mean it’s better and worse than structures interviews. However, I believe that it would still be a good method to use as it will give informative answers and allow the researcher to find out why boys aren’t doing so well at school. It will still give accurate answers as the boys will feel more relaxed meaning they can be looked at and analysed meaning we can draw a conclusion from them. Hannah Smillie

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Vacuum Definition and Examples

Vacuum Definition and Examples Vacuum Definition A vacuum is a volume that encloses little or no matter. In other words, it is a region that has a gaseous pressure much lower than that of atmospheric pressure.A partial vacuum is a vacuum with low amounts of matter enclosed. A total, perfect, or absolute vacuum has no matter enclosed. Sometimes this type of vacuum is referred to as free space. The term vacuum comes from the Latin vacuus, which means empty. Vacuus, in turn, comes from the word vacare, which means be empty. Common Misspellings vaccum, vaccuum, vacuume Vacuum Examples Vacuum tubes are devices, usually made of glass, that contain very low gas pressures inside the tube.Space is considered a vacuum. Space does contains matter, but the pressure is much lower than what you would find on a planet, for example.A vacuum cleaner sucks up debris because it creates a pressure difference between the area to be cleaned and the suction tube.Your lungs intake air when your diaphragm drops, creating a partial vacuum in the alveoli of the lungs, causing air to rush in.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Civil Engineering essays

Civil Engineering essays Why do I want to be a civil engineer? Until recently, I did not know the answer to this question myself. I was lost when choosing a career. Then, I read about civil engineering, an occupation involving the construction of buildings, roads, and bridges. As I looked farther into civil engineering, I liked many of the other aspects involved with the career. Although the education will be difficult, I have determined that civil engineering is the career that I want to pursue. What is civil engineering? This career can not be defined using just a few words. The many obstacles that civil engineers must overcome cover a vast area of responsibilities. Civil engineers conceive, plan, construct, and operate facilities that meet basic human needs and reach out toward the realization of societys most noble goals (Auburn 106). Civil engineers solve real world problems with the combination of applying mathematics and natural sciences (Hagerty and Heer 2-3). Upon deciding to pursue a career in civil engineering, I must have many attributes that help me decide for myself if I am right for this career. Probable civil engineers can be found occupying their childhood time with mechanical toys and structural sets instead of traditional toys. These people will get enjoyment from planning, designing, and constructing works or facilities. They also have the ability to see how intelligent use of nature has made our civilization today possible and have the desire to want to improve it (Golze 41). As a child building blocks filled my toy chest, and erector sets filled my playroom. I loved the challenge of building things and making things work. A young passion for the work of a civil engineer leads me to believe I could succeed in this field. The education of a civil engineer deals mainly with math and natural sciences. The first four semesters of curriculum required, which I ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019


ABDOMINOPLASTY - TUMMY TUCK SURGERY ABDOMINOPLASTY TUMMY TUCK SURGERY Abdominoplasty or dermolipectomy (â€Å"tummy tuck†) is a procedure by which excess skin and subdermal tissue from the abdomen (so called hanging belly) are removed. Complete musculature of the abdominal wall is tightened. â€Å"Hanging belly† happens mostly to individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight or women who gave several births. Of course, hereditary elements play an important part. TUMMY TUCK CANDIDATES If you want to know if you are a candidate for dermolipectomy, you need to follow these indications: limp and loose belly, excess skin and fatty tissue on the belly, striae on the lower part of the belly and loose and separated muscles of the abdominal wall. PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT Patient preparation for the tummy tuck surgery usually starts during the first examination. The first step in preparation for the surgery is the patient’s consent. Very important part is to create that feeling of trust in the doctor-patient relationship. The patient will be informed of surgery process and what surgery includes. During the initial examination you’ll be asked to look in the mirror and show precisely what kind of change you would like to be done to your belly. During the examination you will give data of your medical history of illnesses or surgical treatments you had previously, medicine allergies, chronic infections, hypertension, diabetes, anemia. It is important to provide your doctor with complete information i.e. are you using some medication such as aspirin, estrogen, vitamin C, etc. Examination is performed in standing and lying position. During the examination, level of excess skin and subdermal fatty tissue has to be determined as well as degree of looseness of abdomen wall musculature and possible existence of ventral hernia. TUMMY TUCK PROCEDURE Tummy tuck incision is horizontally-oriented and is made in lower zone of the belly above pubic hairline and spreads lateral in the direction of pelvic bones. Length of the incision is determined by the level of looseness and skin excess. In general, incision is in line with the bathing suit, it is hidden so it can’t be seen on the beach. The complete complex of skin and subdermal tissue are prepared all the way to muscular fascia and up to ribs. Abdominal muscles are tightened and they are connected (plicated) shaping and forming new beautiful body contours. After that excess skin and subdermal tissue are tightened all the way up to navel which is removed. Then a new navel is created and has to look like the real one. Sometimes liposuction needs to be combined with this procedure. Drains are placed that are left for a few days. POSTOPERATIVE TREATMENT Drains will be removed after few days. Until then patient has to be in the position with bent legs. Sutures stay in place about 14 days. After tummy tuck surgery patient need to wear special corsets for a month after the surgery and to avoid physical strains for a month. One day after the surgery short walk is recommended. Patient has to get out of bed and go for a walk in bent position in order to increase blood circulation. Patient must avoid straining, sudden straightening and physical activities. Recommended time for having intercourse is at least after two weeks after the surgery. COMPLICATIONS Complications rarely occur. They are classified as early and late. Early complications include infection, hematoma, necrosis around the incision and usually occur with diabetics and smokers. Seroma can be developed after the surgery. It can accumulate under the skin and in lower parts of abdomen and can be there for a few months after the procedure. Later complications include appearance of hypertrophic scar. TUMMY TUCK COST Tummy tuck with muscle repair (dermolipectomia) 3000â‚ ¬

Friday, October 18, 2019

Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Nursing - Essay Example It provides the anticipated levels of education that nurses in the country should conform to. This is clearly spelt out in recommendations 4, 5 and 6. In order to ensure that I align myself with these recommendations, I will endeavor to earn my degree in the next two years. A degree forms the foundation of the advancement in career to the higher levels. After the degree, I look forward to a work experience of between three and five years. After this, I will go for the master’s degree. I strongly belief that there is need to balance between work experience and level of study. Upon completion of the Master’s, then I will get in for PhD in the next one or two years. Increasing the level of education will have far-reaching implications towards becoming a proficient nurse. The essence of gaining some experience in practice of nursing is geared towards providing a broad understanding of the profession. Theory and practice have many differences, of which I endeavor to explore. Education is very important because it will help me to explore the experience that I will have met in practice. This is the reason I am convinced that education and practice should go hand in hand; this is because they are complementary in nature. Education will also open me to new ideas and techniques that were not fully explored at the Bachelor’s level. Additionally, further education will open my mind in order to engage in research that will help promote nursing profession. My role in nursing will be facilitated by higher education. At the beginning of my career as a junior nurse, I will have the basic nursing tasks to conduct. With additional experience and higher education, my roles will have to change, for example, I will endeavor to specialize in research. Therefore, at the beginning I will have to work under a known researcher but later on will develop projects of my own. Having completed my master’s and PhD, engaging in research

Digital Marketing Aspects of Musclefood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Digital Marketing Aspects of Musclefood - Essay Example However, getting engaged in digital marketing techniques includes factors related with the technological compatibility of the firm and the ability of the digital platform to fulfil the organizational as well as consumer needs. This report will focus on designing the digital marketing aspects of Musclefood for improving their marketing techniques. The existing website of Musclefood has been designed by focusing only on the product and service base of the company meanwhile elements such as company information, sustainability policies, business partners, etc has been highlighted in blind spots. The company has a policy of visual content which can be seen by the limited words used for describing the content and navigation of the webpage. It was also evaluated that some subjects such as the customer feedback and deals sections are taking too much space. Although the website included interactivity but it was limited to only few portions such as the primary promotional belt of the webpage. In addition, multiple tabs have been given for highlighting various product segments, which has clamped the webpage. The praiseworthy aspect of the existing web page is the navigational system. All the tabs have automated dropdown boxes, which can easily help the customers in understanding the structure of the webpage. The above given diagram highlights the changes made in the website of Musclefood for improving the visualisation, interaction and navigation system of the website. The structure of the website has been altered in order to include more elements regarding the product and service structure of the company. It was noted that Musclefood tries to enhance their customer offerings by engaging in related diversification of their service and product base. Â   Â  

Personal Leadership Evaluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Personal Leadership Evaluation - Research Paper Example It seems clear that to some extent individuals can take a broad overview of their leadership qualities, and work to develop responses to the various strengths and weaknesses that are identified. This essay functions to evaluate my current leadership effectiveness. Specifically, the essay includes a review of who I as a leader need to be, what I as a leader need to know, and what I as a leader need to do. In examining who I as a leader need to be, I recognize that there are a variety of elements that must be considered. While I have not entirely decided on my career path, I recognize that I would like to pursue a path related to businesses and organizations. Even as these categorical distinctions involve a wide variety of elements, it’s clear there are a number of universal principles that underline all aspects of leadership. One of the important texts in articulating essential aspects of leadership is Maxwell (2007)’s The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. In this text Maxwell articulates a number of notions of effective leadership, as well as means of developing these qualities so the reader can attain more effective leadership qualities. In terms of my own leadership, I recognize there are a number of areas of leadership I would like to be as a means of achieving more effectiveness in my chosen career path. One of the important notions of leadership that Maxwell establishes is the understanding that the leader does not simply lead the ship, but the leader charts the course. The text gives an example of a historic trip to the Arctic. The trip was made by two separate groups – one headed by Robert Falcon Scott and one headed by Roald Amundsen. While Scott haphazardly planned for the excursion, Amundsen took great pains to research the terrain and the various environmental conditions. As one might expect, Scott’s trip was a failure and Amundsen’s trip was a success. The underlining principles in this is that successful leaders will not simply follow a set path and expect individuals to simply follow their lead, but will instead by the individuals that foreground that path that will be traversed. When considering the type of leader that I want to be, I am greatly influenced by the notion of charting a course rather than simply leading. In these regards, I would like to lead through example in a leadership model that does not simply follow the structural constraints of an organization, but readily defines these constraints through innovation, creativity, and development. When I consider contemporary examples of the type of leadership that I hope to achieve I consider individuals such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. While traditional notions of leadership present a charismatic figure such as John F. Kennedy or Barack Obama who are able to garner followers and support through rhetoric and charm, I increasingly find myself embracing a different incarnation of leadership. I believe that while charismatic leadersh ip is effective, leaders can also be effective through the demonstration of creativity and innovation. For instance, Steve Jobs has garnered incredible support and esteem through his management of Apple, Inc. By most objective standards Jobs does not exhibit the charismatic elements, but is able to retain respect and influence through his strong and innovative corporate approach. Steve Jobs has soundly demonstrated that effective leaders navigate rather than simply lead. In terms of my own leadership, I hope to be able to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Lennin, Karl Marx and Hannah Ardent on Revolution, what was revolution Research Paper

Lennin, Karl Marx and Hannah Ardent on Revolution, what was revolution - Research Paper Example For a Marxist, if the bourgeoisie remain in power this negates any procedural facade of a revolution. For a liberal democrat, the survival of factions from the old nomenclature deflates the democratic revolution. However, on closer inspection there is not a single set of characteristics that will serve to unite all around a common conception. This thesis tends to enquire Marx, Lenin and Arendt’s views on revolution in order to seek a plausible conclusion. Karl Marx described revolutions as the locomotives of history. He argued that feudalism, capitalism and socialism, as new modes of production, were generated within the precincts of the existing one. Revolutions were caused by the development of a contradiction between the social forces and the social relations of production, with the latter acting as restrains upon the former. This expressed itself in the escalation of class conflict, steering in what Marx called the epoch of social revolution. Each revolutionary class devel oped awareness of itself through economic and political struggles against the existing dominant class. The result would be the emergence of new relations of production and their accompanying ideological forms, and the eventual establishment of  supremacy. ... In due course of time Marxist theory faced real tests as its prophecy of eventual dismal condition of working class before revolution was seriously challenged by better/improved life styles of working class in capitalist states. Lenin. Vladimir Ul'yanov came from a provincial middle class family of Russia. Soon after his father's death in 1886 Lenin's elder Brother Alexander was hanged for participating in a plot by a revolutionary  populist  group to assassinate Alexander III. This event made a deep impression on the younger Lenin and, after passing his final school exams with distinction, he too joined a populist group when he began studying at  Kazan University. He was deeply influenced by Marxism during his student life. In 1902, Lenin published his  pamphlet  what is to be done, in which he argued that a successful revolutionary party in Russian conditions had to be a highly centralized and conspiratorial organization of professional revolutionaries to be an effective vanguard of the workers. In his work  Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution  he argued that the workers would have to take a leading role in the  bourgeois  revolution, co-operating with revolutionary elements in the peasantry. This latter point was unusual in Marxist thinking, perhaps showing underlying populist influence on Lenin. In  Imperialism, he argued that the capitalist powers were driven into territorial imperialism by capital export and used the super-profits derived from colonial exploitation. Lazarus points out that â€Å"Revolution†¦ belongs as a category to the historicism that is fuelled by defunct socialism and parliamentarianism,† because, â€Å"historicism keeps a place

ABC Company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

ABC Company - Assignment Example As a result, a proper management of the organizational activities leads to higher competitive advantage. This paper focuses on the management of ABC Company, which is currently in a state of turmoil and poor financial condition. Moreover, the activities have eventually deviated from the organizational vision and the managers have adopted a myopic approach to achieve the short term financial goals. The paper covers all the activities needed to recover ABC Company from its poor and ill managed conditions. The organizational structure of ABC Company is vertical in nature, where information flows across the hierarchy via intermediates. The organization has been so structured that one level of hierarchy can directly communicate with only its immediately next level in the hierarchical ladder. This system allows each level to focus only in their allocated tasks and is only answerable to their immediate supervisors. Thus, it helps to increase the efficiency of the each department. The figure shown above portrays the organizational structure of ABC Company. The structure consists of four prominent levels of hierarchy and each level is allocated with a particular task which encompasses overseeing the personnel who are immediately below that level. The hierarchy begins with the CEO, who oversees the board of directors and participates in the board meetings. The major decisions proposed by the board of directors are first approved by the CEO before its implementation in the organization. The board of directors constitutes of the individuals with major stock holdings. This allows the boards to be heterogeneous and helps to avoid any biasness in decision making. The board of directors oversees a series of managers allocated to different departments. The managers are answerable to the board of directors for the departmental performances. Each manager is allocated with different teams, like HR Team, Finance Team, Marketing Team

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Personal Leadership Evaluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Personal Leadership Evaluation - Research Paper Example It seems clear that to some extent individuals can take a broad overview of their leadership qualities, and work to develop responses to the various strengths and weaknesses that are identified. This essay functions to evaluate my current leadership effectiveness. Specifically, the essay includes a review of who I as a leader need to be, what I as a leader need to know, and what I as a leader need to do. In examining who I as a leader need to be, I recognize that there are a variety of elements that must be considered. While I have not entirely decided on my career path, I recognize that I would like to pursue a path related to businesses and organizations. Even as these categorical distinctions involve a wide variety of elements, it’s clear there are a number of universal principles that underline all aspects of leadership. One of the important texts in articulating essential aspects of leadership is Maxwell (2007)’s The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. In this text Maxwell articulates a number of notions of effective leadership, as well as means of developing these qualities so the reader can attain more effective leadership qualities. In terms of my own leadership, I recognize there are a number of areas of leadership I would like to be as a means of achieving more effectiveness in my chosen career path. One of the important notions of leadership that Maxwell establishes is the understanding that the leader does not simply lead the ship, but the leader charts the course. The text gives an example of a historic trip to the Arctic. The trip was made by two separate groups – one headed by Robert Falcon Scott and one headed by Roald Amundsen. While Scott haphazardly planned for the excursion, Amundsen took great pains to research the terrain and the various environmental conditions. As one might expect, Scott’s trip was a failure and Amundsen’s trip was a success. The underlining principles in this is that successful leaders will not simply follow a set path and expect individuals to simply follow their lead, but will instead by the individuals that foreground that path that will be traversed. When considering the type of leader that I want to be, I am greatly influenced by the notion of charting a course rather than simply leading. In these regards, I would like to lead through example in a leadership model that does not simply follow the structural constraints of an organization, but readily defines these constraints through innovation, creativity, and development. When I consider contemporary examples of the type of leadership that I hope to achieve I consider individuals such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. While traditional notions of leadership present a charismatic figure such as John F. Kennedy or Barack Obama who are able to garner followers and support through rhetoric and charm, I increasingly find myself embracing a different incarnation of leadership. I believe that while charismatic leadersh ip is effective, leaders can also be effective through the demonstration of creativity and innovation. For instance, Steve Jobs has garnered incredible support and esteem through his management of Apple, Inc. By most objective standards Jobs does not exhibit the charismatic elements, but is able to retain respect and influence through his strong and innovative corporate approach. Steve Jobs has soundly demonstrated that effective leaders navigate rather than simply lead. In terms of my own leadership, I hope to be able to

ABC Company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

ABC Company - Assignment Example As a result, a proper management of the organizational activities leads to higher competitive advantage. This paper focuses on the management of ABC Company, which is currently in a state of turmoil and poor financial condition. Moreover, the activities have eventually deviated from the organizational vision and the managers have adopted a myopic approach to achieve the short term financial goals. The paper covers all the activities needed to recover ABC Company from its poor and ill managed conditions. The organizational structure of ABC Company is vertical in nature, where information flows across the hierarchy via intermediates. The organization has been so structured that one level of hierarchy can directly communicate with only its immediately next level in the hierarchical ladder. This system allows each level to focus only in their allocated tasks and is only answerable to their immediate supervisors. Thus, it helps to increase the efficiency of the each department. The figure shown above portrays the organizational structure of ABC Company. The structure consists of four prominent levels of hierarchy and each level is allocated with a particular task which encompasses overseeing the personnel who are immediately below that level. The hierarchy begins with the CEO, who oversees the board of directors and participates in the board meetings. The major decisions proposed by the board of directors are first approved by the CEO before its implementation in the organization. The board of directors constitutes of the individuals with major stock holdings. This allows the boards to be heterogeneous and helps to avoid any biasness in decision making. The board of directors oversees a series of managers allocated to different departments. The managers are answerable to the board of directors for the departmental performances. Each manager is allocated with different teams, like HR Team, Finance Team, Marketing Team

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

1984 by George Orwell Essay Example for Free

1984 by George Orwell Essay â€Å"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him† . In such a way â€Å"1984† by George Orwell starts. From the very first lines the author tires to set necessary atmosphere. Actually, the main point of the book is Orwell’s idea of personal freedom and how this freedom is defined throughout the book. The author presents the existence of doublethink, ultimate power in society and government along with absence of free thought and liberty. It is necessary to admit that the book is famous author’s ability to create tension and for finding original way of expressing ideas and thoughts. The book is one of the most famous dystopias because it illustrates real life, real living conditions and opportunities. George Orwell provides descriptions of future paying special attention to human face, human predetermination and human fate fighting every person from pessimistic misanthropes to the idealistic optimists. See more: My Writing Process Essay Orwell tells a story of a solitary Winston Smith who works in the Ministry of Truth. The main idea is that everything is functioning under the pressure of totalitarian world. Smith is a member of a leading party of the state, whereas Orwell underlines that only one part exists. In such a way Orwell shows that the only party provides guidance and control of all aspects of human life including even the most intimate thoughts. Smith’s job speaks for itself –Winston is assigned to provide changes to past records to make them match party wishes. Social culture is treated as â€Å"doublethink† meaning that presence of two conflicting facts opposes party’s ideology. Every citizen should support general party philosophy enabling English Socialism to subsume the essence of different thinking and to provide full control. Winston Smith thinks about liberty and freedom of though, though he realizes that he is simply a middle-aged man having no ties. His mind is full of dangerous thoughts and inside he is willing to struggle in order to reconcile events taking place around him. Actually, he remains the only unsettled person being interested in human rights and personal dignity. He thinks people should fight for what he feels proper and right. Te concept of doublethink must be eliminated, though Winston is personally weak to be able to rebel. It is necessary to note that it is the author who wants to speak to readers via his main character. Winston is trying to warn people of what may come in near future: â€Å"For whom, it suddenly occurred to him to wonder, was he writing this story? For the future, for the unborn. His mind hovered for a moment round the doubtful date on the page, and then fetched up with a bump against the Newspeak word doublethink. either the future would resemble the present, in which case it would not listen to him: or it would be different from it, and his predicament would be meaningless? † When Smith makes an elicit contact with a fellow party worker Julia, he feels he is ready to confront. Nevertheless, the power of the book is not simply in social theory provide, but rather in detailed descriptions of thoughts of main character. The author skillfully writes about party’s claims: â€Å"But simultaneously, true to the principles of doublethink, the Party taught that proles were natural inferiors who must be kept in subjection, like animals, by the application of a few simple rules †. When the main charter is firstly introduced, he is presented a thought criminal whose story is premised on that leap. Orwell allows following Smith’s life, to share his job, his objections to instructions. Also readers have an excellent opportunity to observe his love affairs and strange romance with Julia. Main hero is outrageous with established set of order and he says Julia: â€Å"I hate purity, I hate goodness! † Speaking about strong points, the book is brilliantly written, well-structured. The author writes with a rhythm vividly expressing his ideas. Development of Winston Smith creates empathy. Possibly, the strongest moment is the last half of the book when Orwell provides answers to the questions of interest. When Smith reads a book about how the leading party remains in power, he is interested why? party provides such discriminative and unfair policy towards society. When he asks O’Brien, he is answered as bluntly as possible that power should be achieved and retained for the sake of the power. The author vividly portrays Winston’s disappointment stating that society is confronted by absolute power being confident of its own immortality and universality. He thinks of Big Brother realizing that this program is confronted because of promoting sex crimes and proliferation. Nevertheless, the weak points are present as well. Actually, the last half of the book, despite being full of sense and explanations, appears not so interesting compared with the beginning. The author continues illustrating new fascinating ideas and images, though the whole story comes to a crashing halt. Apparently, long descriptions of dry book about political theory makes readers boring and dull. When Smith appears under tortures, the author fails to create intensive atmosphere. Possibly, the book becomes too familiar and the fact that Smith fails to confront social order is disappointing. The next moment is that the society of Big Brother is too idyllically presented to support man’s resistance. However, the author improves the situation after releasing Winston. The best piece of the book is re-union of Winston and Julia. The book is relevant to modern society and political philosophy because it aims at expanding existing knowledge of totalitarian ideologies. The author sheds light on the lives of common people with no ties comparing their opportunities with that of the absolute power being practiced by party members. The author provides detailed overview of totalitarian ideology exploring its deepest corners.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Abstract Benefits Of Corporate Social Responsibility Commerce Essay

Abstract Benefits Of Corporate Social Responsibility Commerce Essay Corporate Social Responsibility is a term that has been very popular recently. It represents the obligation of an individual, or in this case an entity, to benefit to society. There is no longer consideration for profit only. Today society demands from companies to take care of them and the environment in which they operate. In simple words, Corporate Social Responsibility is a way of doing business by combining economic benefit with sustainability of the environment. Companies may contribute to environment in many ways among which there are: protection of the environment, by investment in social, educational or cultural programs or by getting the return on employed human resources. This paper analyzes the concept of CSR and it explains benefits that company may get if it pursues Social Corporate Responsibility. Key words: business, company, corporate social responsibility, corporate strategy, environment, profit, society. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a part of business ethics. Ethics represent the process of doing things that are morally correct. By CSR, companies are trying to maximize their positive impact on society and to minimize the bad one. CSR is very important to consumers all over the world. Increase in pursuing the products with green characteristics is one fact that proves it. Previously, in time of communism (social economy), social responsibility and increase of living standards were basically the government issues. By accepting the open (market) economy and privatization of the companies, this also became the issue of those who operate in the market. Another reason is that people demands are much higher nowadays and government cannot deal with all of it. Companies also saw their chance of being different by pursuing certain so called socially responsible policies. Today, CSR represents a way of differentiation, a way of gaining competitive advantage in the market. Two main q uestions for the companies that apply corporate social responsibility are the quality of the management and the degree of impact of their operations on the society. The general social belief is that companies are the ones who created environmental and social problems by their tenure of people and nature through the centuries. This is the reason why they are perceived as those who are responsible for these issues. Francois-Marie Arouet known as Voltaire (1832) was a writer, and according to certain evidences, he was the first one that used well known phrase with the great power comes great responsibility. Later on, many artists, politicians and other people used this phrase in their speeches and it became a normal phrase for responsibility. In modern economy companies have the power so they should be responsible behavior toward the society in which they operate. CSR may be seen as topic that is a new one, but this concept was developing through many years. After the Second World War, people started to put attention on the issues of environment and social situation. From several influences, companies also started to think about this concept. Through the years, this concept became important not just for people in society, but also for the companies. Today, they see it as way of diversification on the market. It is become a tool to attract and retain the customers. Being socially responsible also gives trust to investors, and more of them are willing to invest in corporation with ethical principles. In the near future, it is expected for this tool to become a separate strategy by which corporations will be guided. 1.1 Objectives of the study The CSR is a very important topic and issue in today world. Many conferences are done on these issues in order to raise awareness and to make programs and mechanisms to deal with it. For the wellbeing of not just certain societies, but also for the whole planet, it is out of essential importance that companies start to use the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in order to make the environment sustainable. The core of this paper is to reach several objectives. First one is define concept of CSR and those related with it. The paper will provide the information about development of this concept and what does it mean to today business world. Second objective is to analyze benefits that company gets by having social responsibility towards its community. Furthermore, it shows the potential threats when applying the CSR and it show negative the consequences that may come from avoiding social responsibility. Final objective of the paper is to show the challenges that societies and corporation are facing in the modern economy. 1.2 Significance of the paper The main significance of this paper is that it shows the reasons why to apply CSR and why it is important to the consumers. Further, this paper provides several real examples related to the concept. It represents a quality literature on the topic and may be used for other researches in the future. The main findings and information that are provided may be useful for students, academic staff and businesses. 1.3 Structure of the paper The paper is constructed out of nine chapters. First chapter, which is introduction, explains the topic, reasons and purpose of the paper. Chapter 2 deals with previous literature on the topic. Literature is based on definitions of CSR and relationship between CSR and business performance. In chapter 3, historical data has shown. By this chapter, paper provides information on how development process of CSR was done, which events have influenced people to start thinking about it and what obstacles it faced in its way toward the concept that is known today. Information about the approaches, principles and types of modern CSR are provided in chapter 4. Chapter 5 shows how CSR can be implemented as a strategy and additionally this concept shows the corporate manager tasks. Comparative assessments about potential benefits and costs of this CSR are provided in Chapter 6. In chapter 7, paper shows the main reasons why companies decide to implement CSR and how do they act in the market. Chap ter 8 deals with new challenges that are present in the market. Here, it may be seen how globally powerful company may use weak economies in order to gain benefits for themselves. Conclusions about the topic are given in the final chapter. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definitions on CSR Even if concept of CSR is a modern one that started to create a real shape few decades ago, some initial literature and papers that were including parts of this concept are dating from an earlier period. Barnard (1938) defined this concept as analysis of five aspects of environment: economic, legal, moral, social and physical. According to Carroll (1983) profitability and obedience to the law are foremost conditions when discussing the firms ethics and the extent to which it supports the society in which it exists with contributions of money, time and talent. He assumes that corporate responsibility goes far beyond the pure profit and that therefore it should take into consideration other aspects, mainly the social ones. Because it includes corporate citizenship, corporate sustainability, business ethics, shareholders management, environmental management, and corporate social performance, Visser (2005) defined CSR as an umbrella concept. According to Waldman (2006), company that practices CSR is the one that invests in employee development and empowerment. It is a company that shares information with its employees in order to give them better knowledge, so they could progress at the work. Guthey, Langer, Morsing, (2006) called CSR as latest management fad, which is referred to the fact that this concept should be developed even more in the future. 2.2 Relationship between CSR and business performance As a time passed, and concept has been developing and started to be used the relationship among the CSR and business performance has been changing. Previously, due to different economic regimes in the world, it was hard to find the evidence on relationship among these concepts. Even in certain cases, there was a negative relationship meaning that the money that company invests does not give returns. However with open economy and open competition positive relationship is the one that researches find mostly. Nicholas Overton (2009) in his dissertation wrote the following: even though some studies postulated a negative relationship (e.g., Vance 1975) or no relationship (Aupperle et al, 1985) between the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and business performance, more recent studies provided the empirical evidence that there is a positive relationship between those two constructs (Abratt and Sacks 1988, Russo and Fouts 1997, Waddock and Graves 1997). Miles and Munilla (2005) explained the reasons of using CSR model through the table which holded Van Marrewijk (2003) framework and Carroll (1991) pyramid. There are many benefits that can be obtained from applying the concept of CSR. Detailed information are provided in the main part of the paper. CHAPTER 3 DEVELOPMENT OF CSR Corporate Social Responsibility is often interchangeable with corporate ethics, corporate accountability or corporate responsibility. 3.1 Historical facts on CSR History of CSR is closely related to the history of the companies. Some specialists in the field of social responsibility, link the origins of concept of CSR with an ancient times. According to them, countries that were dealing with trade such as ancient China or Egypt, were putting importance on wider public interests. Through the time, this concept was evolving and while companies were establishing themselves as market driving forces, importance on social responsibility was slightly growing. Through the years many slaves were used. Children, women and men were all working for many hours in order to produce resources that owners needed. Many people died and got injured on their work places, while others were tortured. Among the first biggest events that showed that CSR is important is related to the end of 18th century and British riot against British West Indian Sugar Company. The reason was the slave trade and more than 400.000 of people signed petition against it. The first legislative body that made decision about ending the slave treatment was British Common House in 1792. Certain advance in the field of CSR was started in 19th century, simultaneously with Industrial Revolution. This was a time when many people started to work and being paid for it. This period may be described as the one of transition in people life; both in working and demographic conditions. However, CSR still was not represented as it should. In this time, the leaders of corporations were the leaders of societies. Most of them were using Social Darwinism as a policy to rule. This policy is related to selection and survival of the strongest. That was the way how companies acquired workforce. People were used up to the limits and certain social giving were done by subjective beliefs or will of the owners. From this, it can be concluded that approach to the society was not the company ones, but rather the individual. With the new (20th) century, the situation was starting to change. Many riots were happening and mostly the reason was dissatisfaction with working conditions. Large corporations were perceived as exploitative ones. These riots were resulting in new laws that were aimed to protect workers, societies and consumers. These were the first significant facts that were indicating to the future CSR model. In the following period, companies strategies were changing from purely profitable one to the strategies that were now looking to society and taking into consideration some other responsibilities toward the environment in which they were operating. The mid of the century was characterized by civil right movements throughout the world. The results were not the same in each country, but what is common for all is that these actions lead to certain improvements in laws. The focuses of people dissatisfaction in that period were once again the large corporations. From them, it was demanded to be more socially responsible. This was mostly related to the two facts; that corporations were mostly the cause of societal problems and that they had the possibility to entail themselves in solving those problems. People were demanding equal job opportunity and safety for environment, products and workers. All these initiatives are representing the large part of today phenomena known as Corporate Social Responsibility. In this period the line between traditional and modern approach to CSR started to be drawn. From traditional approach, that was representing the interests of the owners and stockholders, CSR started to represent wider public interests such as stakeholder (workers, consumers, inhabitants, and environment. 3.2 Sustainable Development The important thing that happened in the following period, and is hugely important today is Sustainable Development. In 1987, UN committee defined sustainable development  as a pattern of growth in which  resources  use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment  in the way that these needs can be met not only for current situation, but also for generations to come (UN, 2012). It represents holding the balance among consumption, savings and regeneration of all our resources because not only current but also coming generations will be dependable on them. Sustainable development is a process of change and it has to start from each individual and it continues by transmitting it to each area of our lives. International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD, 2012), states that all definitions on sustainable development require that we see the world as system a system that connects space; and system that connects time. According to this institute, process of SD is constructed around two key concepts. First one represents the needs of poor part of the world, low budget people and those who live in regions where there is no or very little life resources. In year 1970, World leading countries made an agreement to allocate 0.7% of their total gross national income in order to help those countries which were struggling. Second concept represents ability of planet to meet future generations needs. Sustainable development represents a system of interrelated global issues that in future could threat to total collapse of the planet if people do not act in the present. On this definition, all international polices related to protection of environment are built. Since 1992 and a conference in Rio de Janeiro sustainable development became a leading term in field of politics about environment. From this point there is much clearer relationship among environmental, economic and social problems. Sustainable development implies: Consolidated use of resources Consolidated investments Consolidated technical development Consolidated institutional changes During the process the understanding of sustainable development has been spread to two more fields: economic and social. All three are making so called magic triangle of the process. From the figure above, it can be seen that only in a case when all three dimensions are satisfied, or that problems are being solved at the same time, country can reach sustainability. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an issue that is working its way into many policy debates and corporate agendas. CSR is an evolution in the approach towards sustainable development; while the 1992 Rio Earth Summit focused on environmental management, the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) focused on a broader set of issues, including poverty reduction and social development. (IISD, 2012). Here, it may be seen how issue become important for the countries and how much importance is given to the topic. Now, people are aware of potential threats to the earth and they are trying to develop programs that may help in sustainable development of the world. CHAPTER 4 CONCEPT OF CSR 4.1 Approaches to CSR There are several perspectives from which people, organizations and governments look at CSR. According to Marrewijk (2003), there are three basic approaches to the CSR that were developed through the time. Shareholder approach refers to the one that is based on economic reasons. Main idea behind this approach is to maximize profit and to prong benefits to those who own the company. The centre of the approach is the company and its future. Those who manage should focus on well being of the company, to strength it and to find the way for improvement and expansion. Stakeholder approach refers to the approach that includes certain others parts of the company that are also important. This approach does not see its owners as the only ones that are important, but also puts importance on other stakeholders such as employees, customers, partners and others. It is taught that each actions of the company does not affect just the company itself, but also other entities that are connected to it. Societal approach refers to the wider approach of all. It puts importance of companys responsibility toward the society, because without society approval company could not operate. This modern approach shoes that company is fundamental part of the society so they should support and invest in it. When summing all, it can be distinguished that Shareholder approach is the oldest and the strongest one. If there is no will for profit neither of the other two approaches may be used. So, company should apply all of three approaches in order to satisfy each side that is affected by its actions. 4.2 Principles of CSR CSR is among top issues in the current corporate world. As already stated there are two sides of public view regarding this concept; one side is the one which supports it and the other one is against it. In order to evaluate CSR activities, in most cases, three principles are used. Sustainability as a principle deals with the effects that current actions have on future. Resources should be used in a way that they satisfy the current needs and that they will be there in a future. The best way to explain this principle is the example of forestry. For each action of cutting trees there should be an action of planting the new ones, in order to have those resources in the future. The big issue with this principle is related to the resources that cannot be planted such as coal, silver and others. Sustainability dictates that those resources should be used carefully and that programs should be developed in order to find substitutes that could be used in the future, when there are no more supplies of certain resource. Companies that do not care about sustainability will not survive in the future. If company represents the vital part of current economic system, it therefore should use the resources in the amounts that can be generated. Accountability refers to the principle by which company shows that they are aware of the effects that their actions may cause in internal and external environment. The most appropriate way of using this principle is to give knowledge to the parties which are part of environment (both internal and external) about the possible consequences of companys actions. Further, this principle may be described as a system of evaluating and reporting of measures taken regarding the actions done in the environment. In any case, benefits that are gained from those actions must be above the costs, for the company and society. Report should be understandable and available to all parties included and they should represent the situation as it is (information should be correct). Information should include quantitative and qualitative data and it should be explained in a way that ordinary citizen may understand it. Transparency refers to the process of providing the information to the society about companys business, results and others. This is especially important for the actions that affect the society. This principle may be described as the one that follows the previous two principles. It represents the process of societys familiarization with business of the company. If company uses transparent policies and ways of reporting, it is easy for people to get knowledge about sustainability and accountability of the company. As already stated, all principles are taken from CSR framework and that is why there is importance on corporate governance. 4.3 Types of CSR As the companies see CSR as diversification tool, they engage in many different areas by which they try to get more benefits. Carroll (1979) argued that companies have to look outside of their core responsibilities (economic and legal). In his work from 1991, he added two more responsibilities that each of the company has to take into consideration. Based on this, and further discussions, today Corporate Social Responsibilities is constructed out of four main responsibilities. 4.3.1 Economic area Through the history, the main responsibility of each company was to maximize the profit which means that they must reach their financial goals. This responsibility is called economic or financial one. It represents the most important responsibility of the company. Everything is dependent on this process (produce and sell). In order to be able to fulfill any other of the responsibilities, this one has to be satisfied, either company faces crisis, which may results in many negative events in the society. Based on everything stated, economic responsibility is at the bottom of the pyramid, since business which does not gain profit, does not stay in the business for long. 4.3.2 Legal responsibilities Economic responsibilities have to be reached in accordance to the law and regulations of the society in which company operates. So, corporations are operating in accordance to the rules imposed by the governments. Those companies who gain economic benefits with obeying laws are perceived as socially responsible. Customers perceive those companies responsible in the way that they believe that those companies use quality materials and production processes that pass minimum legal requirements and that their final goods are safe and will not harm the environment. 4.3.3 Ethical area of responsibility Those companies who are believed to be ethical are expected to do the right things for the society. Society expects them to reach their financial goals by doing it in a right way. Companies should avoid the actions that are against the society norms even if they are not forbidden by law. If we take an example of less developed countries that have not strict laws about environment protection, it is still not good for the companies to use it and harm society. 4.3.4 Philanthropic responsibility This area of responsibility represents the one where investments are made in society in which company operates. Philanthropic responsibility gives big credibility to the company. Society expects from those successful companies to invest the money in projects that brings benefits to them. Most investments are done in educational and scholarship programs, cultural programs, renovation of certain institutions, green fields, parks, sport centers and clubs and others. Based on these types it may be assumed that there are two forces that drives social responsibility: company and society. Economic and legal responsibility are more important for the company, while on the other side, society perceives ethical and philanthropic responsibility as the important ones. However, all of them combined make one important part of the society and each should contribute to the other. CHAPTER 5 CSR AND MODERN BUSINESS Strategy is a Greek word that has meaning of command or generalship. This term is known from ancient times, where battles between empires were done. This is mainly known as military strategy that is even used today. On the other hand, strategy is used in any other part of life. Corporate strategy is referred to the overall  scope  and  direction  of a  corporation  and the way in which  its  various  business operations  work  together to  achieve  particular  goals. (Business dictionary, 2012) Those who are charged for implementing of these types of strategies are managers of the corporations. Drucker (1986), sometimes called as a father of manager, defined the management as independent of ownership, rank, or power. It is objective function and ought to be grounded in the responsibility for performance. It is profession; management is a function, a discipline, a task to be done; and managers are the professionals who practice this discipline, carry out the functions, and discharge these tasks. 5.1 Principles of business process Drucker (1954), in his book Practice of Management, defined five main principles of management that are widely used today. According to him, manager or group of managers as leaders in implementation of a corporate strategy should deal with following five tasks. Set objectives This refers to responsibility of manager to identify what are the objectives of the company. Then, manager determines goals as a part of objectives, it opts for the ways by which those objectives should be accomplished and it introduces the people (workers) that will be part of implementation process with the objectives in order to have efficient work. By this, manager reduces possibility of future misunderstands of employees. Organize This part is related to the analysis of the decisions and activities related to purpose of the company. Further, manager divides work into activities and assigns people for each job. Through classification, these jobs become a part of organizational structure. Good organization prevents time consuming, saves money, makes more relaxed atmosphere and it gives more time to managers that can be used in the implementation process, which at the end demands the most commitment. Motivate and communicate This refers to the most difficult part of implementation process. Manager needs to be the one that starts the engine, the one that puts fuel in it. Team of people that were chosen for the job must be motivated. This is done through several ways such as pay, placement and promotion. The important part here is continuous communication with upper and lower levels of the company. Through this, manager gathers information and slightly directs people in a way that he desires. In modern organization, motivation is playing a big role. It is believed that through motivation several benefits can be obtained such as increased efficiency, easier way to reach objectives or better relationship among employees. Measure This is a part through which manager follows the process of achieving the goals and objectives. Two main part of process are evaluated: the process itself (is it a good one) and employee assigned for the task (are they perform well). So, manager analyzes progress and writes reports that are submitted to the parties involved in the process (superiors, subordinates and others). Also, good monitoring process give possibility to managers to react and prevent further damages, in cases when process goes in the wrong way. Develop people Since, especially today, people represent one of the most important part of the company their development is important. Modern, knowledge economy demands from people to upgrade their knowledge and skills each day and that they follow the current trends. This applies to the employees at all companys levels, including managers. Tomorrow, when company needs people for certain position it is much easier and safer to choose from its own pool than to bring someone from outside. The traditional way of management (business) planning is constructed in a very similar way. From the figure above we may see two additional circles to Drucker theory. While FIVE of his principles are sorted in four circles, there are two other steps that are included at the start and at the end of a cycle. First one is to gather information which is mostly related external information (market, law, competition). This step helps managers to assign better and more feasible objectives and goals for the company. On the other hand, evaluation plan refers to the step of having feedback, which is used in order to stop or modify the initial planning process. 5.2 Business as corporate strategy Today, CSR is referred as an integral part of corporate strategy. In the future, it is believed that it will be a separate strategy that may be ruled by independent department. To be profitable each part of business must be carefully measured. CSR gives certain direction, or maybe it is better to say that it gives certain performance indicators which create standards for the business. There are many examples of corporations that integrated CSR as a strategy into their business. Some of them are supporting educational programs, some of them cultural some of them are related to the environment. Nestle Company, from Switzerland, deals with production of healthy and nutritional products. Founded in 1866, today this company reports the highest revenues in the world. Among the most known products are Nesquik, Nescafe and KitKat. According to them, they incorporate CSR in order to get best ingredients for their products. It is done through continuous work with their supply chain throughout the world. They try to use the best technologies and practices which give them results of high quality products, loyalty of their suppliers and sustainability. Ethical behavior of top management is very important since it reflects the ethical culture of the company. According to Business Case Studies (2012) ethical behavior may: attract customers to the firms products, thereby boosting sales and profits make employees want to stay with the business, reduce labor turnover and therefore increase productivity attract more employees wanting to work for the business, reduce recruitment costs and enable the company to get the most talented employees attract investors and keep the companys share price high, thereby protecting the business from takeover. Managers represent the company and they behavior reflect companys image and reputation. Those who avoid this behavior, sooner or later, will face consequences of it such as customer disloyalty or sales and profits decreases. Case provided below shows how corporate unethical behavior can damage the business. From the case above, it may be seen how business ethics should not be applied. Because of this, Enron Corporation went to bankruptcy and if we take the example that somehow they survived this scandal, their reputation would be destroyed, providing them very low possibilities to continue the business (with customers and partners). Similar case, we have with so called Greek crisis, where government officials used so called creative accounting in order to cover bad countries financial situation. Such frauds and collapses of the some biggest corporations in the world have put even more importance on CSR framework. So, each manager should put attention on his behavior in the business. As ethical behavior is to do what is morally right, every individual in the business should try to maximize its efforts to do it like that. This is not just pure theory, but certain researches have shown positive rela